Friday, March 19, 2010

Actually, She Wasn’t Asking You A Question

Hey guys have you ever experienced the following scenario?

BISHOP: “Okay Joe, so your lady was getting dressed and comes over to you and asks you which dress she should wear. You pick one of the dresses and she immediately decides to wear the other dress. I realize and clearly understand that it frustrated you, but guess what? She wasn’t really asking your opinion.”

JOE: “Well it certainly sounded like she was!”

BISHOP: “I know, but she wasn’t really asking you for one.”

JOE: “What do mean? What in the world are you talking about? A question is a question and if she’s going to ask my opinion and doesn’t plan on taking my advice, then why does she do it? Is she trying to drive me crazy? Will we ever understand women?”

BISHOP: “Uh….. excuse me. Bishop to Joe. Come on back brother. Okay. Maybe I need to explain the situation a bit. As I have taught in the past females think and speak in a different language than males.”

JOE: You got that right!”

BISHOP: “Joe?”

JOE: “Okay. Sorry pastor.”

BISHOP: “As I was saying the ladies have a different way of communicating than we do and this is simply one of those examples. While it appeared to you that she was asking you a question, what she was doing in reality was including you in her world. It was her way of letting you know that you are a priority in her life. In other words it was just another way to let you know that she loves you.”

JOE: “Are you kidding me?

BISHOP: “Nope. She was not asking you a question.”

JOE: “Thanks pastor. I get it. I don’t, but I do.”

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